This course has been designed as an introduction into the methodology and common types of concealment used throughout the world to transport and secure bulk currency, narcotics and firearms from detection.  The course gives an insight into the transporter’s mindset and the roadside interview during criminal interdiction.  The course highlights the physical indicators, verbal and nonverbal clues exhibited by individuals concealing illicit contraband.

The course is presented with the use of lecture, video and hands on inspection of actual concealed compartments in vehicles, furniture and household items. These items are demonstrated to reveal the mechanics and construction of these compartments.  The course is also designed as a familiarization with both commercially available items as well as custom manufactured compartments used by Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering Organizations,  Organized Street Gangs and Home Invasion Groups. The course will be given in two sessions.

The morning block of instruction will cover vehicle concealment. Using a power point/lecture format, a subject matter expert will detail the  “Roadside Interview” predominately focusing on verbal and visual clues substantiated by body language tells.  These techniques can be applied to any interview situation. The Roadside Interview will be followed by visual pat down techniques, compartment indicators and the mechanics behind electronically concealed compartments. This will be done by the use of lecture/power point and hands on demonstration of several electronic locking devices employed by these criminal elements.

The afternoon session will consist of lecture/power point and the demonstration of typical residential concealed compartments and their locking devices.  The lecture will focus on commercially available concealment items as well as aftermarket modifications to an existing structures such as closets, floors and walls.  This course was developed from requests from the field and graduates of the Basic and Advanced Concealed Compartment Courses.  The course is designed for the road patrol officer as well as narcotics agents/officers and gang investigators conducting vehicle and residential searches. This course has also been requested by parole/probation officer conducting residential searches.   The course will finish with the students going through a scenario pertaining to the detection of a vehicular concealed compartment.  The students will also be afforded the opportunity handle and manipulate dozens of concealment items.