V.B.I.E.D And Contraband Concealment

This course has been designed as an introduction into the methodology and common types of concealment used throughout the world to transport illicit contraband. It also provides an insight into booby traps built into concealed narcotics transportation compartments and the construction and concealment of Vehicle Born Improvised Explosive Devices (V.B.I.E.D) and the characteristics of a Homicide Bomber.
The course gives an insight into the transporters mindset and techniques used to secure illicit contraband or conceal the existence of a V.B.I.E.D. The course emphasizes the physical indicators, verbal and nonverbal clues exhibited by these individuals. The course walks the student through the visual pat down and roadside interview. The vehicle concealed compartment indicators portion highlights the telltale signs of an aftermarket manufactured compartment and the items used to conceal its existence.
This portion details the use of electronically controlled and manually operated concealed compartments as well as the use of natural voids. The students will also be afforded the opportunity to examine, handle and manipulate dozens of concealment items. The course is presented with the use of lecture, video presentation and hands on inspection of actual concealed compartments and simulated Improvised Explosive Devices.