Characteristics Of A Jihadist
This course is designed to give a basic working knowledge of terror suspects as well as Homicide/Suicide Bombers and the basic ability to recognize and properly identify them.
This course is a general overview of international as well as domestic Jihadist and radicalized converts operating throughout United States and Canada. This course explores the alarming rate in which radicalized converts and “home grown” terrorist are growing. Our nationally recognized Subject Matter Experts detail the “lone wolf” individuals and ideology of radical converts which have elevated these individuals to an international security risk. Using a stepped approached and adult based learning techniques, we highlight the social, economic and physiological reasons individuals join terror groups. We also detail the ideology and extended plans these groups have for global expansion.

The recognition and identification portion of this course highlights Jihadist/Mujahedeen history, hand signs, clothing, jewelry, use of social media propaganda, and ideologies these individuals outwardly believe and display. At the completion of the course the student will be able to enhance their recognition and identification abilities, understand and decipher terrorist monikers, and characteristics.