Advanced Interdiction And Vehicle Concealment
Palestra Group International has developed an advanced vehicle search course. This advanced course has been developed as a two-day course comprised of lecture based learning and practical application. The course has been designed to provide the attendee with the tools to recognize, identify and subsequently interdict the criminal transportation of illicit narcotics, illegal firearms and the proceeds of crime. This course reveals the tactics, methodology and the practices used by narcotics traffickers to conceal contraband and dissuade officers from furthering an investigation at the advanced level.
Using a stepped approach, this course is designed to take the attendee through a step-by-step criminal interdiction investigation from the development of grounds to the search and successful seizure of contraband. These interdiction investigations pose a unique, as well as a specific threat to officer safety during the development of grounds. As these investigations progress, the development of grounds, the art of interview/ interrogation and the analytical techniques used to further the investigation play a pivotal role. This stepped approach guarantees that the legality of the search and seizure while protecting the defendant’s rights are preserved. This approach also ensures that the subsequent search and seizure of illicit contraband can support a successful prosecution.

Through the use of classroom instruction, group discussion and practical application the attendee will be instructed in the proven techniques used to successfully interdict the transportation of contraband over the interstate as well local highways and by-ways.
On the second day of the course, students will be tasked with the hard skills of searching several vehicles equipped with hidden compartment and contraband concealed in common voids. This practical application shows the student the mechanics and techniques used to conduct a complete search as well as safely and tactically open an electronically concealed compartment. These techniques significantly reduce damage to the search vehicle and greatly increase the seizures related to these searches.