Street Gang Investigations
This course is a general overview of nationally recognized street gangs operating throughout United States and Canada. Specifically, the course explores the alarming rate in which gangs are growing in the military for expansion and training. Our nationally recognized and certified Subject Matter Experts detail the hierarchy and organizational structure which have elevated gangs from a regional problem to a threat to national security. Using a stepped approached and adult based learning techniques, we highlight the social, economic and physiological reasons individuals join gang. We also detail the ideology and extended plans these groups have for active military, reserve and veteran gang members.
Gang history, tattoos, hand signs, colors, codes, graffiti and criminal activity are presented through the use of power point, lecture and video presentation. This is course is designed to give a basic working knowledge of gangs and the basic ability to recognize and properly identify a street gang member. An overview of how to conduct a gang investigation through the exploitation of confidential informants, sources of income and the targeting of hierarchy is explained in detailed. These investigations concentrate on the interview and interrogation as well as the targeting of “shot callers”, the individuals responsible for committing and authorizing acts of violence in furtherance of the gang.

At the completion of the course the student will be able to enhance their recognition and identification of gang members. Understand and decipher their monikers, hierarchy and code as well as the organization and financial support. The student will further be able to locate, target and dismantle hybrid gangs as well as nationally recognized criminal street gangs.
The national and international street gangs covered as four-hour modules are:
- Almighty Latin King and Queen
- United Bloods Nation
- MS 13 – La Mara Salvatrucha
- 18th St
- Hybrid gangs