Palestra Group International is a New York based law enforcement training group established in 2008 which provides detailed comprehensive lectures addressing the current trends in criminality. This training focuses on issues related to Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTO), Money Laundering Organizations (MLO), Firearms Trafficking and Organized Street Gangs facing law enforcement agencies globally.

We are comprised of a skilled team of Federal, State and Regional law enforcement professionals from the United States and Canada who are operational in their field of expertise. Each of our Subject Matter Experts provide training that details current trends and specific knowledge in their area of expertise to include the officer safety issues.

Palestra Group International provides a myriad of training tailored to fit the needs of the requesting agency. We pride ourselves on providing a level of training which has proven to be invaluable to past attendees. Our professionals provide experience, established results, widespread knowledge and dedication that far exceeds the industry standard.


  • Criminal Interdiction and Contraband Concealment
  • Introduction to Concealment
  • Two Day Advanced Vehicular Concealment
  • Residential Concealment
  • Basic Commercial Vehicle Concealment
  • Two Day Advanced Commercial Vehicle Concealment


  • Basic Undercover Operators Course
  • Advanced Undercover Operators Course
  • Narcotics Supervisor Course
  • America’s Heroin Epidemic
  • Dangerous Drugs – Recognition & Identification
  • Firearm Trafficking Investigations


  • MS-13 & Latino gangs
  • Bloods and CRIPS
  • Home Invasion Organizations
  • Interviewing Gang Members
  • Basic Street Gang Recognition and Identification


  • V.B.I.E.D and Contraband Concealment
  • Characteristics of a Jihadist
  • Comprehensive Counter Terrorism Investigations
  • I.E.D & V.B.I.E.D