Basic Narcotics Officer’s Course
PGI has developed a Three-Day Undercover Operations Course for undercover operators, cover officers and support team members conducting covert narcotics, firearm and major case operations. The course is presented by experienced Federal, Provincial, State and local operators currently operational this field of expertise. This course focuses on the development of in-depth criminal cases utilizing confidential informants and undercover operators to identify, target and dismantled organized criminal groups and street gangs.
Highlighted are the pitfalls and officer safety issues associated with these cases and the use of confidential informants. Detailed are the specific roles and responsibilities of every team member from supervisor to undercover operator. Using a stepped approach with a concentration on mitigating risk, students are provided with the techniques and skills to achieve a positive outcome when faced with tenuous and hazardous situations. This course is presented through the use of lecture, power point presentation and actual videos of the presenters conducting firearm and narcotics undercover operations.